Our Team
Meet Your Adventure Guides
Some of our Race2Adventure staff has been working together since the days of Eco Challenge and Primal Quest in the early 2000’s. Since then, they have been snowballing their knowledge around adventure tourism. Whether it be logistics in Fiji, operations in the San Juan Islands, eco-tourism in Costa Rica, or growing under the Race2Adventure umbrella, there is no question you will see these faces together, time and time again.
Click on the images for more information about each team member.
Merritt Hopper Founder and Event Director
Sergio Sanchez Course Director
Luciana Smania Videographer and Photographer
Andrew Coleman Medical
Kristen Coleman Medical
Mike Fricke Race Staff
Carter Shields Race Staff
Jamie Randazzo Race Staff
Angela Botta Race Staff
Lars Bukkehave Race Staff
Maria Winther Race Staff
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